On this blog I show the real sizes of pornstars with empirical evidence. The porn industry uses all kind of propaganda and tricks into fooling people that “monster” cocks exist. In reality most cocks in porn are between 6.5 and 8 inches.
Claims about 11, 12, 13, 14 inch cocks are absolutely ridiculous and biologically impossible. Porn is fantasy not reality. There is no cock in porn bigger than 9.5 inches. Anything over 10″ is almost guaranteed to be fake.
Anything over 6″ is big and a real measured 8.5″ or 9″ is gigantic. Don’t be fooled by the nonsensical claims of 14 inches in porn. They do not exist in reality.
As shown on this blog all pornstars cheat and lie about their real size.

Billy Glide, real size 6.5 inches. The red line in the right photograph is at 7”.

Ramon Nomar being measured incorrectly. His real size? No more than 6.5 inches.

Nick Moreno measured by a 250ml red bull can.
A 250ml red bull can is exactly 5.5 inches long.
You can work out his real size is between 6.5 and 7 inches.

Monster white cock Pirapus. Bigger than all the pornstars.

Another white dude with a mandingo size dong. He goes by the name bigdicknickb.
Incorrect method of measuring while sitting down, but still this guy is a solid 9 inch. Bigger than the majority of pornstars 🙂

Lexington Steele measured incorrectly from the side. His real size 8.5 inches.

Criss Strokes Vs Mandingo

Criss Strokes Vs Mandingo.
More evidence Mandingo is nowhere near 14″ long 🙂

Mandingo compared with a 7.7 inch big white cock. Mandingo’s real size at the most 9.5 inches.
Mandingo’s real size 9.5 inches.
Next time someone claims Mandingo is 14 inches, show them this evidence. Time to accept reality folks. The 14 inch myth can be laid to rest.

This is runner9 from the LPSG website. He is 8.5 inches. Not 12 like folks seem to be claiming.

Rare photograph of Peter North measuring himself. It is an incorrect measurement from the side. Correctly measured on top he would be about 7 inches.

Jonah Falcon Vs Mandingo flaccid size. We can see that Jonah Falcon is a lot longer.

Wesley Pipes has already been discussed on this blog. He is no longer than 8.5 inches, based on a measurement with the remote control.

Sean Michaels measured with an 8.5 inch beer bottle. His real size somewhere in the 8″ range similar to Danny D.

JT Money being measured. The tape starts at just over 2″ and runs close to 9″. He is somewhere in the high 6″ range.

Seth Dickens measured. It is a side measurement which is the improper way of measuring and it starts at his leg. On top correctly measured he would be 6 inches.

More evidence for Danny D’s 8.5 incher.

Wesley Pipes measured with the Time Warner Cable Remote Control, number 1056B01. You can look up the dimensions of the remote and for convenience we also have it measured with a ruler. The remote is exactly 9 inches long. The porn industry drums up ridiculous sizes for pornstars. They claim Pipes is 11 inches. We can see that he isn’t.
Pipes is shorter than the remote so he is not 9 inches long. Also taking into account it is a side measurement Pipes is 8.5 inches at the most.

The pornstar Shorty Mac measured with a video tape. A standard video tape is 7.2 inches long. Mac appears slightly longer than the tape but this was a side measurement. Correctly measured on top he is around 7 inches.

This a properly measured non-pornstar dick. He is close to 8 inches. This guy is bigger than the majority of pornstars.
A true 8″ is huge now imagine how massive a genuine 10″ would be. There are no dicks in porn 10 inches and only a few guy in the world will be in that range. Anything over this would be biologically impossible.
Don’t be fooled by the nonsensical 13 or 14 inch dicks claims of porn. It is all nonsense. Accept the reality that anything in the range of 6-8″ is big.
Why invent 13 inch fantasies that have no basis in real world when you can enjoy a real 7 or 8 inch penis?

The famous Criss Strokes measured at 6.5 inches!
I have posted other measurements of Strokes at 7.5″. He is nowhere near the 10″ he claims to be 🙂

Charlie Macc being measured.
The tape starts at either 2″ or 2.5″ and runs to 9.5″, it is also a side measurement. His real size is somewhere between 7.5 and 8 inches.
Ben English measured. US currency dollar bills are 6.14 inches long. He is 7 inches.

This is the pornstar Castro being measured. He is nowhere near 13 inches long like the porn industry are claiming. We can work out from the right photograph that he is somewhere in the high 7″ range. From the odd shape of the penis he probably also pumps as well.
This is “monster” cock porn folks and he is not 8 inches. Don’t be fooled by those 13 inch claims of the porn industry they are all false as demonstrated here.

Photograph of the pornstar Kid Bengala being measured. There is cheating going on as the tape starts at 5cm. It runs to 25cm which would give him 20cm which is 7.8 inches.

Billy Glide, real size 6.5 inches. The red line in the top photograph is at 7″.

Tommy Gunn being measured. It is an incorrect measurement from the side at a dodgy angle. He is not 7 inches. 6″ may even be generous 🙂

This is Joe Blow being measured incorrectly by Austin Kincaid. Hard to say where the tape starts. If it starts at 6″ and runs to 13″ he would be 7 inches long. Whatever the case this guy is not a genuine 8 inches and certainly nowhere near 13 inches. The fact the porn industry have to cheat on a measurement like this to the extreme is certainly suspicious!
The first measurement photograph is bogus we can’t see where the tape starts because it is from underneath.
If we look at the second measurement photograph where Keiran Lee is measured by Puma Swede he can get 8.5″ from a side measurement. Correctly measured he is somewhere between 7.5″ and 8″.

The pornstar James Deen claims to be 9 inches long. As we can see from the silly measurement photograph he is nowhere near a true 9″. The tape running backwards starts at about 7.5″ and reaches to 1″. He is 6.5″ or if being generous in the high 6″ range according to that measurement.